Halloween, Stuff Kids Love, To Do with Kids

Spooky Cookies

We pulled up Pinterest the other day and I asked the boys to each pick one Halloween activity that we could do together. Of course, they both pick desert related ideas. So, we made vampire and mummy cookies. I wanted to get these up before Halloween because they were really easy to make with only a few simple ingredients.

Here are the original links to these ideas: vampire cookies and mummy cookies

Here is the link to my Halloween Pinterest board if you are interested in some other cute and simple ideas.



Ingredients –

  1. Oreos
  2. White melting chocolate (can use white chocolate chips but it can be thicker and harder to coat)
  3. Mini chocolate chips for the eyes
  4. Plastic sandwich bag for making the mummy ribbons.
  5. The original recipe has these as lollipops but I couldn’t find lollipop sticks and I didn’t have time to drive to Michael’s in Mt Pleasant for this one item.


  1. Melt white chocolate. I used a double broiler but you could use the microwave also.
  2. Dip oreos in the white chocolate and lay them on parchment paper to dry. I put them in the freezer after this to speed up the process because this layer needs to be a little hardened before you can do the ribbons.
  3. Melt a second batch of white chocolate. Transfer to sandwich baggie. Cut off one small corner of the bag. Drizzle over the cookies. This step doesn’t have to look neat. The baggie will probably be hot, I had to use a dishcloth to help me hold it.
  4. Add the eyes while the chocolate is still soft.

Voila! I think they turned out pretty cute. This was Luke’s pick and I think  he enjoyed making them for about 10 minutes and then he was over it. Fleet however, loved it. He said that Luke’s cookie choice was more fun than his own and he stuck with it to the end!



  1. Chocolate chip cookies – I used ready made cookies to save time.
  2. Mini Marshmellows
  3. Red Icing
  4. Slivered almonds- I forgot to add these. Bummer. They really complete the vampire effect. See the original recipe.


  1. Spread the icing on the bottom of one cookie. Top with marshmellow.
  2. Spread icing on the bottom of another cookie and put it on top of the marshmellows.
  3. Seriously, that’s it.

Ours turned out a little bit more like “hillbilly teeth” or something like that but still fun!

Charlie Mac hung out with us while we made them . . .

Elle was napping when we made these, otherwise it would have been total chaos and I’m not sure we would have been able to make both cookies in one afternoon.

Let me know if you have any favorite Halloween crafts or cookie to share.