

How does everyone feel about New Year’s Resolutions? I’m thinking that most of you reflect and maybe set some abstract goals but who’s interested in the “dirty” of resolutions?

I’m one of those who loves reflecting and planning. Sometimes my goals are achieved, sometimes they aren’t but I always like setting them. A friend shared a great article on Facebook about what the author referred to as “drifting.” He described this as sailing along without growing or hanging or generally having much awareness of life. I have certainly been here. There have been years in mothering when “surviving” was my modus operandi. Grace for those times. And onward and upward, whatever that means to you, whenever ready. Read the article here.

In reflection, I have two things that I am very proud of from 2018. First, friendships. I prioritized my girlfriends and this has led to richer relationships that I am unbelievably grateful for. I also initiated some new friendships and I can partially thank Beautycounter for this. Second, I started to get some “Lauren” back into my life after being just “Mom” for a long time. The biggest area to improve upon for next year is our financial situation – better planning, smarter working, more communication with my partner, etc.

Rather than boring you with the details, here is what I’m working on in 2019 . . .

This year I’m going to worry less and trust more.
I’m going to buy with intention
and purge often
I’m going to “do” with purpose
eat less sugar
drink less wine, well, maybe
I’m going to talk more, speak up
Have hard conversations
stay strong and true
And listen, always listen
and not just to others, but also to my intuition.
Write. Write. Write.
Focus on my 6, collectively and individually
Eliminate toxins from our lives
Get closer to the earth and the sky
Continue to discover the art of SELF CARE
my friendships
my marriage
my parents
my kids
not exactly in that order.
Do the hard work for date nights, girls nights, financial growth, personal growth
Make a plan,
map out the year
make sacrifices to stick to plan.
Be brave
Go all in
I’m going to speak these words into my life, my heart, my soul

Cheers friends and thank you for sharing this journey with me.

XO, Lauren